
Originally published on July 20, 2020
On June 15, 2015, Donald Trump came down the escalator in the Trump Towers. On that day he announced he would be running for president of the United States. We were confused. We were appalled. A reality show star running for president? How could this be? The mainstream media had a good laugh. I can remember the wry smiles on the faces of the pundits on MSNBC and CNN. Although Fox News had a different idea, they also were a bit confused. The mockery of Donald Trump started on that day and continued throughout the campaign.
On October 7, 2016, a tape was released with Trump on a “hot” mic speaking to Billy Bush, then co-anchor on NBC’s Access Hollywood, and talking about “grabbing.” You know the story. Trump was attacked by the media and Billy Bush was fired. That makes sense, right? Billy Bush, the interviewer, was fired. That should have been the first indication of where things were going. Donald Trump was grabbing, and Billy Bush took the fall. I would, however, be remiss not to point out that Mr. Bush made a formal apology stating “I was younger, less mature, and acted foolishly in playing along. I’m very sorry.” Fired anyway; while Donald moves along with his life unscathed. This would be the pattern to this day. Trump lies, cheats, and steals and his associates burn for it. As the months went by more and more sexual misconduct allegations were surfacing. Deny, deny, deny. Attack, attack, attack. That was the plan. More allegations, and civil suits, were settled quietly out of court. Off the record. Hush, hush. Then, the taxes. “I’ll release my tax documents…. soon. I’m being audited, so I can’t release them right now.” False. He was not being audited. More subterfuge. A liar and everyone knew it! With the deck stacked against him, there was no way that he would win. Impossible. Three and a half years later Donald Trump is still the president.
In their first debate, according to most, Hillary Clinton was the winner. However, Trump was trying to impose his will on Hillary, standing behind her with a menacing stare as she was speaking. She laughed it off. But in the next few debates, his bombast had drowned out Hillary’s calm, coherent message. No one was listening to her anymore. With his antics he was controlling the room–interrupting her, speaking past his time limit on just about every question, not giving her an inch. Still, according to the polls, Hillary had won all three debates. So, what did it matter? There was no way Trump was going to win this election anyway. That was clear…. right? So, how did we get here?
The question, really, is: how did he do it? Or better yet, how has he managed to “stay” president? Furthermore, how can this buffoon have become president in the first place? That was the question leaving the lips of so many “experts.” Well, I submit to you this notion: maybe he’s not so dumb after all. In fact, I believe he’s pretty intelligent, and we’ve been sleeping on him for almost four years while he’s been eating our lunch. It’s time we awaken from the ether. I also believe he’s evil. But intelligent, nevertheless. I’m convinced that every move he makes is calculated, or at the very least, there’s an outline for his game plan. He knows what motivates his base, and he drives that spike into the ground with a sledgehammer. They eat it up. “Build the wall, build the wall. And Mexico is going to pay for it. Those nasty Mexicans. They’re all rapists and criminals. Drug dealers. Job stealers. And the guns…don’t mess with our guns. Not on Trump’s watch! Oh, no… your guns are safe with me. Oh, and the economy. I’m going to make the economy the best you’ve ever seen–like no one’s ever seen before. We’re going to be doing some great things. I know a lot of people, a lot of people, big people, good people. And China? China has been destroying our economy for a long time. And Obamacare? It’s a disaster! We’re going to have a healthcare system like no one’s ever seen before. And golf? I love golf, anyone who knows me knows I love golf but I’m not going to have much time to be playing golf–I’m going to be too busy working for the American people.” Yeah, well. Fact check: Donald Trump has played more golf in three and a half years than Barack Obama had played in his entire eight years in office. There have been no significant changes to the Affordable Care Act. In almost four years he’s managed to build less than 3 miles of new wall on our southern border, yet the project has cost US taxpayers an estimated 5 billion dollars and counting. Still, the racist, misogynistic, compulsive liar is the president of the United States. So, I ask you, who’s a dummy? As America stood around poking fun at him, Donald Trump was laughing all the way to Deutsche Bank. He had a plan, folks. And that was just the beginning.
On January 20th, 2017 the takeover began. It starts by controlling the media. Controlling the news cycle. How does he do it? He creates the news by controlling the narrative. He knows that just about anything he says–the more bizarre the better—there’s a very good chance it will become the headline–the lead story. Although you may disagree, I contend that it doesn’t matter much to him if he’s portrayed as a buffoon. That simply provides more ammunition for him to characterize the news media as being fake and unfair, which allows him to play the victim. He’s a master manipulator. One crazy statement after another. One crazy Executive Order after another. The mainstream media takes the bait, and he cries “foul!” In the past, the news cycle would be anywhere between two and five days. Since Trump has been in the White House the news cycle seemingly changes from hour to hour, if not minute to minute. Before the news media has a chance to unpack one issue three others have arisen. The reporters are constantly chasing a new news story without much time to work on the previous one or the one prior to that, and so on. During White House press conferences trump has belittled, mocked, denigrated, and downright attacked reporters and their integrity, and the news agencies for which they work. Fake news! Any news reporter who questions the president’s motives or integrity is immediately stifled. He simply talks over them and shuts them down. Since Trump has taken office there have been four press secretaries, three of whom had to stand before the media and defend the president’s lies. Stephanie Grisham, the third White House Press Secretary, I will credit here for at least having the good sense to not hold a formal White House press briefing in her entire tenure. Therefore, she didn’t have to lie from the briefing room lectern. She did however defend the president on numerous occasions on Fox and Friends and other new shows.
Then there’s Twitter–his greatest weapon. Trump had been using Twitter long before he became president. He is a master agitator. He had been attacking President Obama, for example, for many years before he announced his candidacy for president. “Obama is not an American citizen. He’s an illegal alien. Let’s see the birth certificate, please.” President Obama finally put that to rest–for a while, anyway–at the 2011 White House Correspondent’s Dinner, during which he, first, produced his birth certificate, and then lambasted Donald Trump with “death of a thousand cuts”, proving that “The Donald” can be taken down with the right tactics (something to think about for Joe Biden). Trump was cringing, searching for the nearest exit. But Trump never forgot. He walked out of that dinner with hatred in his heart and vengeance on his mind. In the following years, Trump mastered the art of the “Tweet.” A steady diet of Trump “crazy.” We laughed, we ignored. He was on the “pay no mind” list. So, we thought. But, with Twitter, he was making hay. He was on the attack, and he was being heard. His targets were mainly Hillary and President Obama. Good choices if you’re considering a run for the presidency and, if your target is the benighted and misguided. The racist bigots of the world. The xenophobes. They loved his message, for he was saying what they were thinking, and didn’t dare to say themselves. “Finally! Our savior is here!” They were hooked…and he knew it.
So, what is this aforementioned plan? I believe it’s all about power. He enjoys being the center of attention. And of course, money. Siphoning money from the federal coffers has become an industry in itself for Mr. Trump. He has used his position to not only enrich himself but to enrich his entire family and his “friends.” With his long history of shady deals, tax evasion, bankruptcies, failed businesses, and huge debt, he saw a way to make himself wealthy beyond his wildest dreams. Money and power–intoxicating. So much so, that he would go as far as selling out his own country for his own personal enrichment and power. Knowing full well that he would be investigated he set up his cabinet and took control of the Justice Department and all the other investigative bodies. With the help of Mitch McConnell, he installed almost 200 federal judges in just under four years. He has completely insulated himself from justice. So, when the FBI, the House Judiciary Committee, and the House Oversight Committee, had suspected him of wrongdoing on numerous occasions–some of which can be deemed as treasonous–the rule of law had been stifled. He rigged the system where the checks and balances are no longer checking and balancing. Congress’ check on the executive branch was no longer working. Not as long as Mitch McConnell was at the helm of one-half of the bicameral legislature. Anything the House did to check the president was blocked in the Senate. Friends in high places… Trump had attacked the Department of Justice over and over, including the FBI, and other investigative bodies. According to Trump, they were conducting a witch hunt, out to get the president because they don’t like him. Well, yes, they were out to get the president but not because they don’t like him but because he is a criminal. And a criminal in the White House is a national security risk. Especially when that president is suspected of conspiring with the leaders of hostile nations. And not one leader, but a few. President Erdogan of Turkey, Dictator Jong-Un from North Korea, and of course, Vladimir Putin from Russia, to name only three. Of the numerous potential charges for articles of impeachment only a few were chosen. Mainly for trading federal funds for a favor. A quid quo pro. Funds that were to help a fledgling country, Ukraine, defend itself from Trump’s buddies in Russia. I could go on but I’m pretty sure you all know the story.
In the preceding passages, I’ve mentioned numerous crimes, some of which could be considered treasonous, and still Donald Trump is President of the United States. But reports continue to demonstrate his inability to execute the office of the presidency because he’s either incompetent, mentally impaired, too dumb, and many other reasons. He may be some of those things including incompetent and perhaps mentally impaired, but he is far from dumb. Uneducated, yes. Big difference. Donald Trump may have chosen to goof off in class and have others take tests for him, paying them handsome fees to do so. But he graduated. He used his resources to elevate himself, even if he didn’t earn it. That’s the story of his life. And in very much the same way, he uses his resources to evade justice. This is not the behavior of a dummy. This is the behavior of an ill-willed slacker who is adept at a far more sinister talent—manipulation.
Finally, we come to the pandemic. No, this wasn’t part of the plan. But Trump found a way to use it to his advantage. At this point, with so many investigations into his private life–his taxes, and other possible crimes, he is under the gun. He is losing ground in the popularity polls, perhaps even losing some of his base. The walls are caving in around him. He is now feeling trapped like a cornered animal. And what does a cornered animal do to survive? It attacks–without discretion. The Donald knows that his goose is cooked, and he understands the only way to avoid investigation, probable indictments, and a real possibility of prison time, is to go for broke. Now the attack has shifted to our voting system. Mail-in voting is now dangerous, and subject to cheating. Voter suppression Is becoming a huge problem, especially in red states, and is being contested in the courts. For the most part, court decisions have not been in Trump’s favor. So, he found a different angle. With the nation and the world preoccupied with the pandemic, Trump is doing his level best to create more turmoil. No testing, no tracking, no federal mandates–no significant action. In fact, he left it up to the states to decide how they would handle it. He made some suggestions in a press conference a few months ago, one of which was to wear a mask, yet he refuses to wear one himself. Shortly after his press conference, he contradicted that statement by saying it’s your choice if you want to wear a mask. There is no federal mandate on mask-wearing; no federal guidelines for contact tracing; and no money for testing. I won’t get into the history here and the chronology of all the trump statements leading up to the present, just that he started out by calling it a hoax, that it would disappear like magic, and we would be celebrating Easter like it never happened. Thus, we stand at somewhere around 140,000 dead in the United States. Yet, he stands up at his press conferences and rallies and talks about what a great job he is doing. With the resources available to him, is there any doubt that this pandemic could be under control? There are 328 million people in the US. If the average person eats three meals a day, then over 900,000 meals are prepared every day. Am I to believe that we cannot have tested 300 million people in four months? I’m not buying it. There’s only one conclusion: he doesn’t want it under control. He wants turmoil. Turmoil is the preferred state of affairs when you’re trying to steal an election, or worse, cease power.
So, he may sound dumb, he may look dumb, and he is certainly not an eloquent speaker. But he is one sly fox. Because for three and a half years he has been dodging, bobbing and weaving, and slipping every punch our government oversight has thrown. But still, we call him an idiot! Now he wouldn’t have been able to pull it off without the help of his cronies in the Senate, and those with whom he has surrounded himself in his cabinet. But just remember “he” chose those people. And those who wouldn’t cooperate, he fired. If their replacement didn’t cooperate, he fired them too. And there were many. And all of those who would support his lies and deception would remain. So, he has the courts, The Senate, and the Cabinet locked up. And most importantly, the Attorney General.
And lastly, now emboldened and impervious to justice, he has formed a secret police force–his own Gestapo. What’s the next step? That remains to be seen. But I’m pretty sure he would try to delay or cancel the general election if he had it his way. How much further will the GOP let him go? How long before they say enough is enough? Is a bridge too far? We’ve been complacent for too long and totally underestimated the man behind the curtain. This could never happen in America, right? Well, folks, it’s happening! The question is, can we make it to November 3rd with our republic still intact? And if so, what is he capable of doing between Election Day and January 20, 2021? If he loses, and heaven help us if he doesn’t, I’m pretty certain he’ll try to put a monkey wrench into things. So far, we’ve been a day late and a dollar short. I would prefer this to not be a cautionary tale being told 100 years from now, but instead a caution flag to be heeded right now–to cut it off at the pass. We have but one chance left to stop this tyranny: Election Day. It’s up to you America. Lord help us.
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“No man is allowed to be a judge in his own cause because his interest would certainly bias his judgment, and, not improbably, corrupt his integrity.” –James Madison, November 23, 1787

Texas Paul REACTS to Supreme Court Justices Lying UNDER OATH!
Texas Paul reacts to the latest viral MeidasTouch video showing the GOP Supreme Court justices lying under oath during their confirmation hearings when discussing their opinions on Roe v. Wade. Donate to MeidasTouch: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/mei… Buy MeidasTouch Merch: https://store.meidastouch.com Follow MeidasTouch on Twitter: https://twitter.com/meidastouch Follow MeidasTouch on Facebook: https://facebook.com/meidastouch Follow MeidasTouch on Instagram: https://instagram.com/meidastouch
THIS! Every MAGA moron needs to see this video and imagine it was them who was being screwed by Trump. He’s screwing each and every one of them metaphorically but he’s done a lot worse to others. pic.twitter.com/Y2yamIHaTg
— Just Lisa 🙋🏻♀️🤗💪🏻🦋 (@MiamiMagLisa) December 11, 2023

