Today we bring forward this 2019 article thanks to the diligence and archival research of YouTuber Don Giller, “Tom Waits Collection on Letterman 1983-2015”. Letterman has great taste in music and his loyalty to artists is worthy of our attention. Consider his support for two great ones, with Warren Zevon and Tom Waits.

This video is extraordinary, especially for the interviews and the sweep of captured time. Tom Waits is uniquely American. His perspective may seem strange to non-Aquarians yet give yourself credit for at least a passing interest. Listen closely as the man is our Mark Twain of the 21 Century. Do yourself the full pleasure of watching this in one full session, all the way through. We have time now in shutdown-shut in Covid-19. This is time well spent and your dog or pet iguana will appreciate the quiet Tom Waits viewing time almost as much as you.

Tom Waits Letterman interview with George Clooney in Supporting role. You know Tom Waits yet are wary of his seemingly strange behavior. Listen to his significant catalog of brilliant songs. A genuine master of performance in every sense of the word. A sober man even in the middle of a dipsomaniac binge. Better sober, as most of us are, for 16 years now, thanks to AA and supportive family.