I purchased this Hiking shoe after several friends suggested Merrell as the best all-around hiking sneaker/shoe. The reviews are strongly positive, and after two weeks of routine walking light hiking, I can confidently say these are the most comfortable shoes (out of the box) I have ever owned. The most prominent comment on Amazon in the comfort of the box feel of the Merrell shoes. A miracle for anyone that has ever lived on Planet Earth by any measure. Certain things (activities) become more critical when one passes a certain age threshold. Comfortable shoes and beds are at the top of my list. Uber comfortable shoes right out of the box are unheard of until now!
I chose granite shoes and a wide fit. The grey/blue color is nicely neutral and therefore goes with any color of pants or shorts. My size is 9 M, so I usually don’t order wide shoes. The wide choice for this purchase turned out to be a brilliant one. The fit is perfect. I could not ask for a better shoe (sneaker) for everyday dog walking or hikes in the woods.
Why do I feature other individual YouTube reviews within my product or service review? A good question. We believe that additional testimony about a product or service we review will help our readers fully decide. Purchasing a sneaker or a more specialized hiking shoe is a personal, word-of-mouth decision. A close friend’s recommendation spurned my decision to look at Merrell’s shoes. I decided to purchase the Merrell Moab 2 Hiking shoe after reading 20 of the 1046 reviews on Amazon. Currently, the shoe has 4.5 stars out of 5.