Cool Media, LLC
A web design and marketing company with 12 years of web design and marketing experience, building a brand and developing your presence in this rapidly changing business environment.
1) WordPress Expert (HTLM5, CSS3, Javascript coding)
2) A complete portfolio of responsive websites designed (including this Durham Cool website)
3) Marketing background including print, radio, TV, Instagram, Twitter, and daily-managing 7 Business Facebook pages
4) Tenured social media experience cultivating your business target demographics, steady traffic.
Contact Durham Cool media for pricing, references, and portfolio URL.

Find Us
Ithaca, NY 14850
+01 919 904-3701
Get In Touch
We look forward to hearing from you to set up a first meeting (no charge) to review your business needs.
Among all the chores involved in opening a B&B, the one I dreaded most was somehow managing to create a website for the business. It would be an understatement to say that my ignorance of such matters is nearly total and that my techno-phobia is appallingly obvious.
Therefore, I was awfully pleased when a friend who’d worked with Paul told me that he was not only very competent…..but also helpful, informative, accessible, affordable, and (most importantly in my case) PATIENT. Quite frankly, I needed someone who was both a skilled web designer (mine is rather a complex site) and a forbearing hand-holder. Paul proved to be stellar at both skills.
I’m thoroughly pleased (more so than I could have expected, in fact) by the website Paul designed and has since maintained. He’s very good at explaining things to someone who, like me, knows little to nothing about websites. This hasn’t at all been the case with most other website designers I’ve known.
Obviously, Paul’s technical expertise/experience is considerable. Additionally, he’s very intuitive about marketing and obviously adept at broadening a website’s “outreach” on different platforms. It became obvious, quite early on, that Paul isn’t intent on simply doing what you asked for (as though I’d know what to request these days?) and taking your money; I can’t recall the number of times he helpfully called to suggest an improvement or addition that hadn’t occurred to me. He wants the job done RIGHT before he moves on to other projects. For what it’s worth?….. I can’t think of a single investment/purchase I’ve made over the past fifteen years that’s been as completely satisfying as hiring Paul to “do” my website.
The Webb House B&B
117 E. Queen Street
Hillsborough, NC